Scripting trip to Poland

# Theme of Script:
[Changing edge conditions]
Traveling from X to Y and back to X ; where X= Germany
Y= Poland

# Targets:
T1: Starting Date of trip
[28th April, 2008]
T2: Back to Xd ; where Xd= Dessau
[7th May, 2008]

# Traveling modes:
[α, β] ; where α=Rent a Van, β=Walk]

# Starting point of trip:

# End point of trip:

# Generate Lists:
L1: List Countries to travel
[X, Y,Z] ; where X= Germany, Y= Poland, Z= Ukraine

L2: List cities of X along Y border
[x1, x2, x3,........................................................]

L3: List cities of Y along X border
[y1, y2, y3 ………………………………….…….]

L4: List cites of Y which satisfy criteria ; where criteria=historical importance, monuments
[p1, p2, p3 ……………………………………….]

L5: List High Ways in X
[Xa1, Xa2, Xa3, …………………………..…….]

L6: List High Ways in Y
[Ya1, Ya2, Ya3, …………………………..…….]

L7: List cites from High Way a2 in Y
[a2.1, a2.2, a2.3, ………………………………]

L8: List of cities from high way a4 in Y
[a4.1, a4.2, a4.3, ………………………………]

# Attributes: R,R & R

Start from Xd
Reached to x1 using L7 by α;
else ignore
Move along L2 using L6 that satisfy criteria
else ignore
Use L6 and L8 that satisfy L4
else ignore
also stop to cities at L8 using L6 that satisfy criteria.
else ignore
If L8 ends to certain location take the shortest possible path to reach Yw using L6.
Now move along L7 using L6
else ignore
Use L6 where necessary without any condition

Routine Activity:
Use β from city centre to the old city wall using L6
Stay 30 minutes there
If doesn’t exit go to historical monuments using L6
also if feel tired take a break and have lunch.
Else, nothing important within 4 km take a van to reach required space.
If it’s getting dark move to the city where hotel is booked.
Have dinner.
Go to sleep.

Return Journey
Use α to reached back to Xd

# Result lists:
L1: List Countries to travel
[Germany, Poland]

L2: List cities of Germany along Poland border
[Frankfurt(oder), Guben, Forst(Lausitz), Klein Bademeusel, Pomellen]

L3: List cities of Poland cities German border
[Olszyna, Kolbaskowo]

L4: List cites of Poland which have historical importance and has monuments
[Glogow, Lubin, Legnica, Wroclaw, Katowice, Krakow, Kielce, Warsaw, Lodz, Poznan, Szczecin, Torun]

L6: List High Ways in Poland
[A1, A2, A4, A6]

L7: List cites within … from High Way A2
[Lodz, Konin, Poznan]

L8: List of cities within … from high way A4
[Legnica, Lubin, Glogow, Wroclaw, Katowice, Krakow]

Scripting trip to Poland & Ukraine

# Theme of Script:
[Changing edge conditions]
Traveling from Xd, X to Zk, Z passing through Yw, Y and back to X
; where X= Germany, Xd= Dessau
Y= Poland, Yw= Warsaw
Z= Ukraine, Zk= Kiev

# Targets
T1: Starting Date of trip
[28th April, 2008]
T2: Z
[Zk] ; where Zk= Kiev
T3: Reached Z
[1st May, 2008]
T4: Back to Xd ; where Xd= Dessau
[7th May, 2008]

# Traveling modes
[α, β, γ, λ ] ; where α=Rent a Van, β=Walk, γ=Air plane, λ=train
# Starting point of trip

# End point of trip

# Generate Lists:

L1: List Countries to travel
[X, Y,Z] ; where X= Germany, Y= Poland, Z= Ukraine

L2: List cities of X along Y border
[x1, x2, x3,........................................................]

L3: List cities of Y along X border
[y1, y2, y3 ………………………………….…….]

L4: List cities of Y along Z border
[yz1, yz2, yz3 …………………………….…….]

L5: List cities of Z along Y border
[z1, z2, z3 ……………………………..….…….]

L6: List cites of Y which satisfy criteria ; where criteria=historical importance, monuments
[p1, p2, p3 ……………………………………….]

L7: List High Ways in X
[Xa1, Xa2, Xa3, …………………………..…….]

L8: List High Ways in Y
[Ya1, Ya2, Ya3, …………………………..…….]

L9: List cites from High Way a2 in Y
[a2.1, a2.2, a2.3, ………………………………]

L10: List of cities from high way a4 in Y
[a4.1, a4.2, a4.3, ………………………………]

L11: List High Ways in Z
[Za1, Za2, Za3, …………………………..…….]

# Attributes: R,R & R
Start from Xd
Reached to x1 using L7 by α;
else ignore
Move along L2 using L6 that satisfy criteria
else ignore
Use L8 and L9 to reach Yw
else ignore
also stop to cities at L9 using L6 that satisfy criteria.
else ignore
If L8 ends to certain location take the shortest possible path to the next location using L6.
Use L11 to reached to Zk
Routine Activity:
Use β from city centre to the old city wall using L6
Stay 30 minutes there
If doesn’t exit go to historical monuments using L6
also if feel tired take a break and have lunch.
Else, nothing important within 4 km take a van to reach required space.
If it’s getting dark move to the city where hotel is booked.
Have dinner.
Go to sleep.
Return Journey
Use γ to reach back to Xb ; where Xb=Berlin
Use α or λ to reached back to Xd

Study Trip to Poland (Scripting-Poster)

The river water forces strikes to land edges creates vibrations allow to move sand causing sediment and erosion process.

So by redefining the edge for river to understand this process, as water strikes the metal surface creates vibration, these vibrations travel though bars which by one end connected to ball that will start swinging and strikes to other system which is just at the edge of the first system, gets disturbed.

The second system contains many balls, which are connected to each other by two ways, one through bars and one through strings with different layer overlapping to each other. When the first system strikes this second system it loses its stable condition and went into action and balls tries to come out of the system but as they are connected to the string doesn’t allow them to go out.

So the machine will help to understand and document the logic process that how the two systems work closely at the edge-condition.

Theme of Script: Changing edge conditions

Traveling from Dessau, Germany to Kiev, Ukraine passing through Poland

Start listing the important cities in Poland.
List the border cities between Poland and Germany.
List the important historical, cultural, economical border cities of Poland with Germany.
List those cities which have historical and cultural city centre and monument in Poland.
If not then list those cities which have gates and are walled cities.

Rent a van.
Start tour from Dessau .
Reached to the border city between Germany and Poland
Then move along those border cities which are listed as have historical centres
If not then list which have monuments
Explore the different changing conditions from country to country.

Reached to city
Then reached to the city centre
Walk from city centre 4 km randomly to explore the city.
If feel tired take a break and have lunch
If there is nothing important within 4 km, then take a van to reach required place.
If it’s getting dark go back to hotel and have dinner.
Then sleep

Take a van again and go to another city.
Explore the different changing conditions from city to city.



Theme: Experiencing different conditions

Visual experiences: edge conditions, cultural conditions, spatial conditions, behavior conditions etc.
Traveling at nights
Using day light for visiting spaces

Traveling time
Day discussion
Conclusion of the day

Dessau to Berlin: 29th April, 2008
Dessau to Berlin price 25 euros , 2 hrs

Berlin to Frankfurt (oder) : 29th April, 2008
Berlin to frankfurt(oder) price 22.50 euros , 1:10 hrs

Frankfurt (oder) to Warsaw, Poland: 29th April, 2008
Berlin to Warsaw, 30 euros, 6 hrs
Frankfurt (oder) to Warsaw, 18.70 euros 5 hrs

Warsaw to Kiev, Ukraine: 29th April, 2008
Warsaw to Kiev, ……..euros, 20 hrs
Stay in hostel for one night.
Move for keiv on 30th April

Kiev, Ukraine: 1st May, 2008
Check in the hotel
Wake up 8:00 O clock in the morning.
Have a break fast.
Take your camera and other necessary stuff with you.
Start experiencing different conditions
Lunch, Dinner and Discussions
Updating blog
Go to bed

Return journey
Kiev, Ukraine to Medyka to Kraków, Poland: 6th May, 2008

Kraków, Poland to Berlin, Germany: 6th May, 2008

Berlin to Dessau: 7th May, 2008
Sound, sounds,....
that touches the senses:
when river strikes to land edge creates vibration,
the vibratory nature
that we experience;
through sound.
a notion;
that is the part of whole,
continue, uninterrupted,
unbroken and undisturbed.
investigating and look into;
Sound, sounds,…..
River Sounding
as it strikes to edge.

Redefining the edge for river, as it strikes the metal surface creates vibration, that would travel though bars which are connected to it and help to produce sound and also allow to revolve disc.

The river water forces strikes to land edges, removes sand causing erosion and sediment process.

The metalic rods are conntected to string will take the pressure and forces of river, transform to creates sound and a kind of filter is connected to capture sediments.